Due to current staffing shortages, management time is at an all-time premium. Not only are Leaders managing the “normal and expected” operations and obligations, but many are also jumping in to assist with duties or responsibilities that would usually have been delegated to other Team Members. In many cases, this is a necessity to keep operations flowing and functional. Thus, the mere suggestion that Leaders take time right now to evaluate current staffing and scheduling seems quite ludicrous.
Taking the time to objectively evaluate your current staffing and scheduling will prove invaluable as you build the team you desire and move your organization into a higher level of efficiency. Determining key parameters and guidelines will streamline the processes. Keep in mind this is not a popularity contest, and you may have to request assistance from other Leaders if you are unable to evaluate your Team Members objectively and fairly.
Evaluate every Team Member and determine the following:
Is every Team Member in a role that best utilizes their skills and abilities?
Is any Team Member being under-utilized, or over-utilized?
What can the organization do to develop expanded roles for qualified Team Members?
Is the organization offering the best training and development to all Team Members?
Are all Team Members being compensated appropriately?
Are we valuing our Team Members and encouraging an inclusive environment?
So much quickly changed and amid sudden change, it can be easy to overlook simple solutions such as the potential to shift staffing during peak business hours/days or enhanced project management.
What are the obvious differences in business flow and/or needs?
What movements can be made efficiently and productively?
Which projects are priorities? Can the focus shift to a team effort to complete these projects?
Are there additional tools and resources that can be put in place to manage necessary day-to-day operations more effectively?
Where are we finding significant stressors?
Have we discussed alternate scheduling options with the current Team Members, and have we sincerely considered their recommendations?
There are numerous other questions you can use for these evaluations, but these represent an overview of the subject matter you will use to make assessments. You must address difficult questions, not only of your team members but also of your organizational structure. It is important to tailor these assessments to your specific organization and team.
Take advantage of additional tools and/or resources that may be available to you. Many organizations may already have assessments, job descriptions, and other tools that appear outdated or were not effective at the time. These can be an excellent template, to begin with, and may only need revisions to make them relevant to the current climate. There are also endless templates and checklists available online. Do not use valuable time reinventing from the beginning if it is not a necessity.
Finally, do not let this project intimidate you or your Team. Be open and honest about the reason for these exercises and consider all suggestions and ideas seriously.